Think now, talk later

Theresa L. Benish

I am writing in response to Chad Calek’s Sept. 30 article regarding the Marv Albert case. I am appalled the editors let such a demeaning, derogatory editorial reach the printers. Didn’t Calek have a mother like the rest of us, or was he raised by a pack of wolves?

What Marv Albert did was wrong. I can’t believe anyone would question that. He himself admitted to the immorality of his acts. Why does Calek deny it?

The reason for the biting was not playful sex antics, but punishment because the women would not participate in oral sex. (It was more than one woman.) Calek thinks this is acceptable because Marv’s had a relationship with her for 10 years.

Many domestic-abuse assaults don’t occur until later in the marriage or relationship. This certainly does not make it OK!

There is no time limit a partner has to wait until they are legally able to abuse the other. Calek’s article condones the behavior while the rest of the world is disgusted by the same event.

As far as Marv losing his job, he’s very lucky he didn’t lose more. He should have never been allowed to accept the plea bargain after his plea had already been entered into the courts. Marv was planning to humiliate his only persecutor, challenging her word. That is, until the second woman came forward.

Clearly, Calek has difficulty deciphering what is right and what is wrong. That is most likely the reason he’s such an anti-Husker. He must’ve gotten beat up a lot in school by a bully in a red and white shirt, whose name started with the letter “N.” I’d like to make the suggestion Calek change his parting line from, “We’ll talk later” to “I talk now, think later.”

Theresa L. Benish


Zoology and genetics/pre-veterinary medicine