Call the president

Starlene Rankin

On Oct. 13, NASA is planning to launch the Cassini probe with 72 pounds of deadly plutonium on board. If there’s an accident, it will expose millions of people to high levels of radiation.

This controversial issue has already generated widespread opposition from grassroots peace groups, nuclear physicists and former NASA officials. However, most Americans know nothing about Cassini. Only recently did the national media begin to report this story.

With limited time remaining before launch date, it’s imperative all concerned citizens take action now. President Clinton has the authority to cancel the launch, but he will only act if there’s enough public pressure on him.

Please do what you can today to help prevent this potential global nuclear disaster from happening.

Here’s what you can do: Call the White House at (888) 723-5246. Fax the White House at (202) 456-2461. Email the White House at [email protected]. Call Congress at (800) 972-3524.

Talk to friends and keep informed at the Stop Cassini web site at“fcpj/space.

Starlene Rankin
