Of money and Catt

Brian C. Johnson

In response to Michael Klocke’s letter of Sept. 29th, I think that we can settle the concern of the money involved in the renaming of Catt Hall very quickly. It cost a little under $5 million to renovate Old Botany.

However, the vast majority of this money came from general university funds and from building repair funds. Less than $300,000, or 6 percent of the total, was directly donated to the renovation of Old Botany. Although $300,000 is nothing to laugh at, it is not a significant obstacle to changing the name when you consider that the ISU Foundation raised over $100 million last year.

It is also important to remember that Carrie Chapman Catt was not well known among alumni when the money was raised. From what we have been told, efforts to raise the $300,000 centered on the renovation of a historical building on campus rather than what the building would be named after renovation. If this is the case, it seems unlikely that more than a handful of alumni would feel obligated to withdraw their donations. Again, money would not be a problem.

Brian C. Johnson


English and philosophy

September 29th Movement Central Committee