ISU students will be raking leaves for Habitat for Humanity Saturday

Ryan Goodman

The Government of the Student Body is coordinating the second annual all-university rake-a-thon, and volunteers will rake lawns all across Ames for donations for Habitat for Humanity.

All Iowa State students are invited to participate in the leaf-raking project, which will begin Saturday at 10 a.m.

Sara Bjorke, GSB director of human relations, said Saturday’s event should draw more people than last year’s project in which 80 students participated.

Last year’s project spilled over to Sunday due to the amount of interest from community members, she said.

Participants last year raised more than $2,000 for Habitat for Humanity. Bjorke said she would like to see that number increase this year. Habitat uses the money to build homes for those who cannot afford housing.

As a philanthropic event, GSB is requesting Ames residents to supply rakes and garbage bags for the volunteers. Anyone with special circumstances that prohibit them from attaining either of these items should contact Bjorke.

ISU’s Facilities Planning and Management Building is also donating nine rakes for the event.

GSB has been working to contact ISU students and faculty members as well as Ames residents to participate in the project.

Bjorke said radio announcements were released, press releases were sent, flyers were posted and personal letters were sent to professors, college deans and city council members.

Bjorke said she would like to see all ISU students attend the event. Most of the participants last year tended to be student leaders and students involved on campus, she said. Those interested should meet at the north parking lot of the ISU Lied Recreation Center at 10 a.m. Saturday.

Since many students are involved with Homecoming philanthropies and community service projects, Bjorke said she hopes those events do not decrease the number of volunteers for the raking.

Bjorke is looking for a consolidated community and university effort. “We need the support of the ISU community and the Ames community to make this a success,” Bjorke said.

Residents interested in having their lawns raked should contact the GSB office for an application. Applications will be accepted as late as Friday afternoon, Bjorke said.

Questions about the event should be directed to Bjorke at 294-1585.