ISU women net road wins over the weekend

Daily Staff Writer

Both the women’s volleyball and soccer teams had winning weekends away.

The soccer team rode west to Colorado Springs to play the United Air Force Academy 2-1 on Friday.

This was the first time the two teams faced off. The team’s record now stands at 2-1.

The Cyclone netters improved their spotless record after a trip to the state of the Big Apple.

In Hempstead, the team beat the undefeated George Washington in the first round of Hostra’s Asics/Spalding Volleyball Invitational.

They played two more matches Saturday and the results were as good as Friday’s. The women took the tournament which bettered their record to 6-0 which is the best start the team has ever had.

Look for the dig on both the women’s soccer and volleyball teams tomorrow in the Daily.