Not a “greek-bashing” thing

Jennifer Salemink

I would like to be the first to defend John Sucansky’s photo of the marijuana plant in last Thursday’s Daily.

He has received enough grief since that photo was published, and I would like him to know that not all of us think he is a greek-bashing asshole. He is a very talented photographer who wanted nothing more than to get his foot in the door and get some photos published.

Who ever said that no one would have cared if the plant hadn’t been in front of a sorority is wrong.

Mr. Sucansky still would have taken the photo had the plant been in front of Beardshear or Curtiss, or any other campus building.

This is not a “greek-bashing thing” like everyone makes it out to be. Everything is a “greek-bashing thing” these days. The plant just happened to be in front of a sorority.

It’s not like he planted it there and waited until it grew so he would have a photo opportunity. Anyone who insinuates that he did just has too much time on their hands.

While I’m at it, though, I will defend the article too. How many times has a story been in the Daily that didn’t exactly purvey any new, ground breaking information?

In my four years at ISU, I’ve seen plenty of non-articles in the Daily. I don’t see why the hell everyone has to pick this particular article to get all upset about.

We aren’t talking about the New York Times here. I read the article on the plant. I wasn’t particularly offended by any of it, nor did I think it was just a poor attempt to fill a page.

A newspaper’s purpose is to inform. Perhaps all the information given was common knowledge, but perhaps it wasn’t to some people. Either way, lighten up! People get more uptight every year! Let’s get on to the next controversy and give Mr. Sucansky a break.

Keep it up Slim, there are people who support your work.

Jennifer Salemink

ISU Alumna
