Uninformed opinions

Jason Gross

I would like to thank John Hosler for his letter to the editor last Friday. It proves one of the major points I made during my presentation last Tuesday: ignorant people incorrectly define sexual orientation based on perceived behaviors or a perceived “lifestyle.”

Like race, a person’s sexual orientation is a part of a person’s identity, not a person’s behavior.

Sexual orientation is defined by who a person is attracted to, both emotionally and physically.

From John Hosler’s letter, it is clear that he did not understand the information given in the Daily article and has little knowledge of these issues.

Sexual orientation is already included in the Iowa State nondiscrimination policy.

What was discussed at the meeting and in the paper was the fact that people had petitioned to have the “Statement of Student Rights” in the Student Handbook (which closely parallels the nondiscrimination policy) updated during its last printing so that it was in agreement with the nondiscrimination policy.

This request was rejected by Dean of Students Kathleen MacKay on the grounds that it was too big of a change for that update.

Since this is an institution of higher learning, I think it would be appropriate if people would go out and learn about the facts surrounding an issue.

It would have taken John Hosler ten minutes to find out that sexual orientation was already included in the nondiscrimination policy.

Since John Hosler probably did not attend last Tuesday’s presentation, it might have been appropriate for him to find out what was actually discussed at the meeting before he went spouting off uninformed opinions.

And, if he was at the meeting on Tuesday he obviously did not understand the information presented and should have asked questions to clarify what was said.

John Hosler is a perfect example of the ignorance and denial about America’s history.

America continues to deny its sordid past and its current racism. Catt Hall is one symptom; refusing to accept the connections between racism and homophobia is another.

The Progressive Era and Modernism gave America the illusion that there is one rational, scientific answer to solving our problems.

However, these rational, scientific truths are culturally, racially and religiously biased.

The rational, scientific answer was to assimilate racial minorities, immigrants, women and the poor to a prescribed Anglo-Protestant ethic.

We have made the sweeping assumption that Anglo-Protestant middle class Americans are morally superior.

Carrie Chapman Catt wholeheartedly supported these notions. She saw herself as being morally superior to African Americans, immigrants and other minorities.

In 1904, Catt wrote: “Northern Europe brought us industry, thrift, enterprise — the qualities which build up great nations and make for good citizenship and independent individualities; Southern Europe is sending us ignorance and poverty — the qualities which lead to dependence, and pull down nations already builded (sic).”

In May 1997, Reverend Don Wildmon of the American Family Association wrote: “Acceptance or indifference to the homosexual rights movement will result in society’s destruction by allowing civil order to be redefined and by plummeting ourselves, our children and grandchildren into an age of godlessness. Indeed, the very foundation of civilization is at stake.”

The same moral and ethical dogma used 90 years ago to oppress immigrants is being used today to oppress lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered individuals.

Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Classism, Xenophobia: Recognize the connections!

For those of you who were not able to attend last week’s presentation about the connections between racism, classism, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia, I encourage you attend Sabrina Sojourner’s speech on Oct. 9.

Sojourner is the shadow representative for the District of Columbia and a nationally recognized educator on diversity and multiculturalism.

I also encourage you to read the book, “One More River to Cross” by Keith Boykin, which can be found at Parks Library.

Jason Gross


Community and regional planning

ISU LGBTA Alliance Vice President