What a deal! Parking for $200

Tom Heger

The Iowa State administration has once again showed that money is more important than the average Joe or Jane College Student.

My friends and I spent last week in excited anticipation for the first football game of the season; and with that, the pregame tradition of tailgating. With everything set, we planned to meet in the “usual” place we always tailgate in: section B3.

To our dismay, when we arrived at the stadium and tried to enter the north parking lot in which section B3 is a part of, employees of the Iowa State Center informed us that the entire north parking lot was “Century 100” parking.

We were further disgruntled when we learned that this meant a person had to donate AT LEAST $200 to park in the northern lot!

They also told us that “student parking” was located east of the intramural fields and that we should go there.

My friend commented on how we all pay thousands of dollars in tuition, which is more than $200; but apparently that doesn’t count.

We eventually found a new location to tailgate and spent the next several hours trying to locate friends whom we planned to meet in section B3 — many of which we never found.

I find two things very upsetting about this. First, there is no need to close down the entire north parking to the public — many of which are students who come to support their fellow classmates. There is more than enough space to allow students to park where they always have and not charge them $200.

Second, why was the student body never informed about this change? Personally, I thought that the students are what makes Iowa State what it is, and should be informed of such changes.

Apparently, I was wrong. Once again, our great college sold out to the almighty dollar.

Tom Heger


Construction Engineering