Make drinking illegal

Arlen Carlblom

ISU has finally come to more fully realize the effect the drinking of alcohol brings to people and has taken action to ban alcoholic drinks from its Veishea celebration. That is good.

Drunkenness has been causing so many problems in our society for so long, I believe it is high time to take action and ban alcoholic drinks completely, along with tobacco.

They both are so extremely harmful. Why do we continue to let them be sold to people?

There is no redeeming social value to tobacco, and the little there is to alcohol could be obtained by a doctor’s prescription like any other controlled drug.

You may say that just a little drinking is OK, and that may not harm many people.

But there are way too many who do not limit it, so I believe that we have tried and failed in the experiment of having it available.

The same could be said about tobacco.

Please contact your legislators and ask them to take action on removing these abused drugs from our midst.

Arlen Carlblom
