Reiman Gardens can help

Lisa Sinnott

Certain people may need more than the recent chilly weather to get them into the spirit of the fall season.

Reiman Gardens is here to help.

The Reiman Garden Autumn Festival will run Saturday from 8a.m. to 4p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 4pm at the Gardens.

The Autumn Festival is sponsored by the Reiman Gardens CoHorts, a volunteer support group for the horticulture gardens.

Karen Ross, volunteer co-chair of the CoHorts, said it would be a good activity for students to attend because there will be “all kinds of things” going on.

She explained that plants, bulbs, dried and fresh flower arrangements, garden crafts and gifts will be for sale. Ross added that these things would be “great decorations for dorm rooms,” as well as Christmas gifts for family and friends.

Country food products, cider and other homemade refreshments prepared by volunteers and the ISU Horticulture Club will be for sale at a reasonable price, Ross said.

Another main attraction will be a raffle for a P. Buckley Moss limited-edition print of the Reiman Gardens.

Ross said the proceeds, especially from the raffle, are “earmarked for a special project in [the] Children’s Garden ’98.” The Children’s Garden is a program that allows children of all ages to interact in the process of planting and growing gardens within a group.

Linda Naeve, education director of the Horticulture Club, said the the festival is like Art in the Park-an annual festival sponsored by the Des Moines Art Center in Downtown Des Moines.

With the free admission, music, and displays to look at, the festival is “cheap entertainment,” she said.

Naeve explained that this festival is the first and largest annual fundraiser this year.