The ultimate insult
September 9, 1997
At the risk of sounding like I have no sense of humor, I must protest against an editorial cartoon in the September 8 edition comparing ISU Parking officials with the Nazi party. By comparing these two groups, the cartoonist does not show the strictness and unfairness of ISU Parking (which was his intention), but rather trivializes the Nazi party and its crimes.
In the past few years, it has become chic to label anyone you oppose, anyone of a right-leaning political view or anyone who strictly observes the rules and punishes those who do not (i.e. the issuance of parking tickets) as either fascists or Nazis.
To be called a fascist or a Nazi should be the ultimate insult since it would denote intolerance, cruelty, disregard for human life and opposition to individual freedom. Instead, it has become just another over-used insult to be shrugged off and ignored. That being the case, what can we call any future Hitlers to show their true danger? How long until excessive hyperbole will dilute that term too?
Bradley Fels
Undeclared graduate
Norwalk, IA