Was it the alcohol or the paparazzi?

Justin Lehmann

I read Ben Jones’ article on Princess Diana’s death and like he was outraged with the paparazzi, I was outraged by him and everyone else who has commented on her death. I am tired of hearing that the paparazzi killed her; it simply is not true.

Everyone seems to want to ignore the fact that they were all drunk. Alcohol is what killed her, not a photographer. The driver was three times over the legal limit.

Anybody that drunk should not be driving, let alone driving 100 mph in a tunnel. Sure, people were chasing them, but give me a break; they didn’t ram them with their motorscooters.

I think it is time to stop blaming the photographers and start blaming alcohol.

It seems fitting that there is a big controversy over alcohol here and this just happened. If anyone thinks that alcohol had nothing to do with either the boy’s death last year or Di’s death, they are fooling themselves.

I can’t wait until next Veishea when someone gets hurt; I am going to blame it on the reporters for all the ISU newspapers, not on alcohol. Wake up, people.

Justin Lehmann
