Recognizing true equality for all

Mike Martin

I have been following the stories and letters concerning the September 29th Movement since the beginning.

The ambivalence and disdain shown by the majority of the campus community seems to be more about keeping privilege than about well thought-out opinion.

The most telling was a comment made in the Daily last week. It quoted a student as saying that they (the Movement) should appreciate what they have.

I don’t always agree with what the Movement says, but I respect what they are trying to accomplish.

Although my immigrant grandparents were not readily accepted when they first came to this country, my generation enjoys all the benefits available to most citizens.

The same cannot be said for minorities in this same country, even though some of them have families who have been in this country much longer than mine.

Isn’t it about time that we, as a nation, made truth out of one of our most cherished documents: live and act in the statement that all men are created equal?

Mike Martin


Facilities planning & management