True Cyclone

Charlene Blue

Dear Drew Harris:

In response to your past two articles in the sports column of the Daily, I’m interested in finding out some solutions that you have to help improve Cyclone football.

You seem to know so much about the hard work, dedication and determination of the football coaches, staff and players.

So you probably have taken the time to come up with a few ways to help them out — right?!

Probably not, since your two latest columns have only honed in on your ignorance to the game.

I guess it is easy for someone like you, who hasn’t a clue of the countless hours these people spend studying film and practicing all year round, not to mention the four- or five- year commitment to the game, to sit back and let the pen run wild with criticisms.

One thing I can assure you though, is this:

Making rude, demoralizing columns in the Daily is NOT the answer.

Have you ever thought that the people you are trying to make a comic relief out of just might be reading these articles?

I find it very upsetting that one of our own “Cyclone” sports editors is writing everything but considerate statements about ISU football.

How can we expect anyone else to support us if we can’t even support our own?

By the way, you’re right, Dearest Drew.

You are no coach.

So there’s no need to sit back and pencil in crude comments about them, either. Maybe that’s the field you should go into since you seem to know so much about it.

Heck, maybe you should apply here!

After all, you certainly are full of critical complaints.

So, I’ll just assume you’re keeping your solutions a secret in order to help Coach Mac and his staff.

But until you offer those solutions, do all of them a favor and discontinue your string of appalling articles.

It would be a blessing to them.

And it would be a blessing to all of us true fans who wish to remain “‘Clones to the Bone!!!”

Charlene Blue

