Cyclone fan wins free tuition

Kate Kompas

Iowa State sports fan Nathan Jesse thought he was getting a season pass for Cyclone football.

Little did he know that his name would be drawn from a pool of thousands of football fans for a tuition-free semester at ISU.

Jesse, a freshman in agricultural business, was announced the winner of the free-tuition sweepstakes for the 1997 fall semester.

The “semester-give-away” was part of Iowa State’s season ticket promotion, where fans could reserve their season tickets early.

Jesse’s tuition will be paid by the marketing department, which was in charge of the contest.

Students were given the opportunity to buy discounted season tickets, but they could also register for the give-away.

The only requirement for the contest was to place the ticket order before the July 25 deadline.

Jesse’s name was drawn randomly from the pool of ticket-buyers.

Jesse, of Mount Union, Iowa, said he was planning to pay for this semester’s fees with money he earned from his part-time job, and with some help from his parents.

Needless to say, Jesse said his mother was happy with his win.

“My mom didn’t believe me at first, but she’s is very happy for me,” Jesse said. “I’m glad I won. … The money definitely helps me out a lot.”

Jesse, who took several classes this summer, is still expected to pay for his books, meal plan and living expenses.

He said he joked about winning the contest, but he never actually expected his name would be drawn.

Jesse said the only friend who expressed hard feelings was the one “who delivered the check to me.”

“He thought he should have won,” Jesse said. “He was mad, but only in a joking way.”

For Jesse, the appeal of winning the contest wasn’t the only reason he placed season ticket order.

“I’m a Cyclone fan, both football and basketball,” he said. “I’m a Cyclone fan ’til I die!”