YWCA to sponsor childcare workshop

Vicki Larsen

Many working parents share a concern about childcare — the cost.

A lot of money is spent on childcare by parents, and the majority of it doesn’t go to the providers. So where does all that money go?

That will be the topic of the program being sponsored by the YWCA, called “Childcare: Where Does Your Money Go?”

It will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 17, from noon to 1 p.m. in room 236 of the Memorial Union.

“This is the first time we’ve held a program addressing this topic and it was in response to student-parents asking questions about the difference in cost of childcare programs at Iowa State,” Judy Dolphin, YWCA of Ames, said.

Dolphin said the increased concern was triggered by the opening of the new childcare facility at the Veterinary Medical center, which is considerably higher in cost than the other centers around ISU.

“We will be looking at the differences between different kinds of care settings and the differences in their costs — family daycare/home setting versus a center setting and what is covered by what parents pay,” Sonia Johnson, program coordinator of childcare services for ISU, said.

“Parents pay a lot of money for childcare and are interested in knowing where their money goes,” Jeanne Higgs, YWCA program coordinator, said.

Discussed at the program will be the budgets childcare centers have in relation to the costs, why it is so expensive and what it takes to provide quality care. Parents’ questions will also be answered.

“As a parent of a small child and a former childcare provider, I see a great disparity in what parents pay and what childcare providers are paid, as well as great differences in the costs of different childcare centers. I am hoping that this program will inform parents and the community of the financial reality of childcare today,” Higgs said.

The program will feature speakers, including Johnson, Jerri Baumeister, director of the Center for Childcare Resources, and other people in the childcare community.

The program is informal, free and open to the public.