The truth about Harry Wu

Fusheng Wei

Harry Wu is a convicted rapist masquerading as a human rights activist. He’s convicted of raping a 15-year-old girl and numerous other petty crimes. Harry Wu was sentenced to a long prison term.

Harry Wu is now set on fighting against the Chinese government through lying and other unethical tactics. His motive is revenge and greed.

We, the overseas pro-democracy activists, condemn Harry Wu because of the nature of his unethical tactics.

We also condemn the fact that he never apologized for raping the young girl. Harry Wu has not denied the fact that he raped the girl.

Since leaving China, Harry Wu has become a “human rights businessman” (his words).

He has successfully lied his way to become quite well off.

Harry Wu has refused to engage in a true debate with anyone.

For example, George Koo, a Silicon Valley high-tech executive has challenged Harry Wu to debate several times and Wu has turned him down every time.

Numerous people on the Internet have also challenged Harry Wu and his lies, but to no avail.

What kind of person is Harry Wu? In order to be released, he signed a lie.

If asked to kill somebody in exchange for being released, I am sure he would do it.

He is the kind of person who would let all people die as the dictator holds the 1.3 billion people hostage.

The common descriptions for Harry Wu seem to be rapist and liar.

Some of Harry Wu’s lies include claiming a heart operation video as a “forced” kidney transplant; medical students had a good laugh with this one — the heart and kidney are two different organs.

He claimed a company working with the World Bank was using “slave” labor — the WB investigated and found Harry Wu to be a liar.

Wu claimed some American companies in China exported high-tech material using “slave” labor — again investigations by companies, industry watch dogs and government agencies found Harry Wu to be a liar.

He made some stupid claims against Wal-mart. The result? He was laughed right out of a Wal-mart stock holders’ meeting.

He says the Beijing government admitted to China having 1.2 million prisoners in 685 camps in 1995, but he claims that 1,155 camps with 6 to 8 million prisoners is more accurate.

Wu offers no explanation or evidence for his numbers, but expects the reader to take his word.

Wu reiterates his claim to having protested the 1956 Soviet invasion of Hungary as “a violation of international law.”

When Bejing asked him why there was no mention of Hungary in his earlier memoir, Wu’s response was to blame the error on “a mistake in translation.”

I want the reader think about the following fact:

On one hand, I agree that criminals (here again I only mean convicted criminals, not political prisoners) should be treated “humanely.”

On the other hand, if someone raped your mother, sister or daughter or murdered your brother, will you still want to treat him “nicely???” I would want him to be executed immediately!


They are totally different kinds of people!

If one uses the former to gain public sympathy and the latter to show evidence, he is misleading the public.

He claims communism. How many people really think China is still a communist country by its nature?

I doubt there are many, if any.

It is true that it is still a dictatorship system instead of a democratic system, which we all hope to change soon.

If you look into the original definition, you will find the current “communism” in China is nothing but cosmetics and China is still drifting farther and farther from it.

I think Mr. Wu is aware of that. Therefore, Mr. Wu, please do not use “communist” as a tool to stir up the old fear among American public for support.

The world is moving toward peace, love and democracy. But you do not even have ten fingers of the same length.

Please discard personal hatred and be positive and constructive.

Fusheng Wei

Graduate student
