Plenty of job options available

Andy Luymes

Iowa State University students looking for a part-time job on campus have plenty of options right at their fingertips.

The Student Employment Center is working to help students find jobs.

Janie Barnett, assistant director of the Student Employment Center, said ISU employs 3,500 to 4,000 students on campus. Among the largest employers are food service, the Memorial Union, Parks Library and the Veterinary Medicine labs.

The most commonly requested job is office assistant. “We also fill a lot of jobs involving computer skills,” Barnett said.

Pat Huston, a freshman in business from Chicago, worked in Knapp-Storms food service last year. He said he found out about the job through mailings sent to his house the previous summer.

Huston said his duties included serving food and cleaning up.

He said he enjoyed the convenience of having his job in the dorms.

Students looking for a more out-of-the-ordinary job than food service can apply for a position such as a leech dissectionist in the science labs.

“There are some laboratory jobs that we have with some really weird names,” Barnett said.

Barnett said she is particularly excited because the Employment Center recently abandoned the job bulletin board in Beardshear Hall for a more modern method.

“The system is totally online,” Barnett said. “We used to have 200 students a week come in looking for jobs; now 900 students a week access our on-line job board.”

The site can be reached at or at any AccessPlus kiosk.