Mahlon Shell bids farewell after 41 years

Dena Huisman

The animal science department at Iowa State is losing a longtime employee this week.

Mahlon Shell will retire Friday from his position as superintendent of the Animal Reproductive Physiology Department.

He worked for the university for 41 years.

Shell came to ISU directly out of high school in 1956.

“I came here through the experience route. Back then you didn’t need a Bachelor of Science degree like you do today,” he said.

His first position at the university was as an animal care-taker in the swine breeding department.

He became superintendent of Animal Reproductive Physiology Department in 1960, the job he kept until his retirement.

Much of Shell’s work was on the university-owned farm a mile south and west of Towers Residence Halls.

Shell said after his retirement, he will miss working with and around the livestock.

He will also miss the students he worked with over the years, he said. Shell said he especially enjoyed working with graduate students who did their work on the university’s farm.

Stephen Ford, a professor of animal science, said Shell’s retirement will be a loss for the Animal Science Department.

“We’re going to miss him. He has done a good job with experiments, faculty and students,” Ford said. “He has done all of his duties very well. I have nothing but good things to say about him.”

Shell’s retirement banquet will be held on Friday, Sept. 5, from 3 to 5p.m.

It will be located in Room 223 of the Meat Laboratory Building north of Kildee Hall.