The importance of multiculturalism at ISU

Crystal Voigt

President Martin Jischke:

I am the multicultural issues director for the United Council of University of Wisconsin students. A call has gone out from your campus stating that students on your campus have not been heard.

In a multicultural society it is important to understand the university’s role in educating students on multiculturalism and providing a forum for the development of understanding and growth that prepare students to enter the work force. When students on one campus are not heard, students across the country suffer.

Allan Nosworthy has been moved to action in an attempt to be heard by you, and in an attempt to demonstrate how important this issue is to the students on your campus.

It is the responsibility of all persons, no matter what race, ethnicity or sexual orientation they may be, to work toward understanding difference. The university is a role model and pace setter to the community and people that it serves, and when the university fails to address the multicultural world in which we live, it fails in its mission to educate and prepare students for the future.

I ask that you please turn your attention to the concerns of your students and understand the significant responsibility that you have to the students on your campus. Allan Nosworthy should be commended for his action, but no student should have starve himself or herself in order to get the attention of the administration on his or her campus.

Crystal Voigt

Multicultural Issues Director

United Council of UW Students