Incorrect generalizations

Adli Waziri

In reference to the letter by Kelli Kenniker, self-proclaimed expert on social acceptance and oracle of all that is cool, it is people like you who keep Ames the backwards, ignorant and blindly conformist community that it is.

Your letter is the most generalized, uninformed piece of excrement I have ever laid eyes upon. In your letter, you make the generalization that in order to be a “Phish head,” you must abstain from showering, smoke ridiculous amounts of pot, douse yourself in patchoulli and walk around intentionally trying to offend people with your odor (Oh, I forgot you also have to be a deviant.).

While we are busy making generalizations, let me make a couple about you based on the wording and content of your letter. You are probably unattractive and overweight and must resort to trashing others without provocation to make up for your poor self image. I would guess by your frequent use of expletives that you are not intelligent enough to come up with a more professional word selection. I would also guess that you come from a small town and have never been out of the Midwest, due to your obvious lack of culture.

Am I getting pretty close to target?

Simply because your brain is too pitifully feeble to understand the complexities of improvisational music is not an excuse to publically bash those who do. Did you ever stop to think that we are not trying to be cool when we “twirl around to those repetitive jam sessions?”

Why must one look and act cool to enjoy music? Next time you feel like being so presumptuous as to tell us what is cool, what scents are good and bad and how to dance, try doing it with a little intelligence and true insight rather than ridiculous generalizations.

Adli Waziri


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