Campus Christian groups to gather at Campanile

D.H. Leonard

Campus Christian organizations will be gathering at the Campanile on Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 7 a.m. for a prayer and worship time.

All Christian groups are welcome to come, Jake Huck, of Campus Crusade for Christ, said.

The annual event, called “See You At the Pole,” will be taking place on college and high school campuses across the nation. Students will be gathering at their school’s flagpole to pray for the students and faculty of their respective schools.

“We’ll also be praying for revival across this nation,” Mike Van Zee of Fellowship of Christian Athletes said.

The tradition began in high schools as an early-morning service with prayer, Bible reading and singing.

Organizers at Iowa State decided to call the local event “See You At The Campanile.”

Leaders of various campus organizations have been planning the event for several weeks, and encourage students to take time out of their morning for Wednesday’s event.

“We plan to have some praise and worship for about 10 to 20 minutes, and then pray for our campus and our nation.

Then we’ll close with praise and worship again,” Van Zee said.

Leaders of the event have several goals in mind.

“We hope that God through Jesus Christ would be glorified on this campus, and that Christ would be the issue here at Iowa State,” Huck said. “We would also like to see more communication between campus [Christian] organizations and be able to encourage one another in our faith.”

Huck also said he hopes non-Christians will begin questioning the truths of Christianity, and Christians will stand firm in their faith.

“The most significant thing I’ve learned about in college is how to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. There’s much more to college than just studying,” Huck said.