Too strict?

Matt Thompson

This is in response to the letters written by Sara Ziegler and the cartoon by Carmen Cerra. I think that their articles were completely true. The people writing and saying they’re babies and they don’t respect DPS is a bunch of … well, you know.

First, to the person who wrote the letter saying Carmen was portraying DPS Parking Division as Nazis: you’re wrong. I never saw a swaztika on the uniform of the officer. To me it looked like he portrayed them as just an anal retentive, overly strict and just-plain-mean soldiers. I’ve had my share of tickets and I agree I was at fault for most of them.

I think they are overly strict though, especially when you get a ticket for parking over the stall marker line when there is snow on the ground and you can’t even see the lines. That is just plain stupid.

The worst part is they didn’t even grant the appeal. It’s also pretty stupid when you park in a loading zone for too long and they give you a $12 ticket every 30 minutes you’re in that spot.

Concerning the article directed toward Sara Ziegler, I agree with Sara. It’s a little ridiculous to have your car towed when you’re only there for a short time. It’s not like she was there for days and days.

Also, about the part of someone paying dearly for that spot — if you park in it and you’re not supposed to, then you deserve to get towed: send tow trucks and DPS out to Towers and get rid of all the cars out there that have tons of tickets and are parked in my spot. I chance the risk of getting a ticket out at Towers if I park along the curb in the lot when all the spots are full.

They could get rid of the trailers in the back of the lot. I paid money to get a spot and I want to park in my lot. DPS told me that if the lot is full I am supposed to park at the stadium. I don’t want to park at the stadium at midnight and then have to walk to Towers.

I’ve lived at Towers two years now and I’m not even guaranteed a spot there. Also, why does the university give DPS Parking Division brand spanking new S-10 pickups to drive around and give us tickets in? If you ask me, I say save money and give them a three-wheeled meter maid cart. It goes the 25 mph speed limit on campus and it’s a hell of a lot cheaper on gas.

Finally, I want to make myself clear that this is against the DPS Parking Division and only the Parking Division. I think the police division and the student escorts are great services. We should give the S-10 trucks to the student escorts so they can make sure everyone on our campus is safe. I applaud the police division for keeping us safe as well.

Matt Thompson


Construction engineering