Another theater group gallops onto campus

Heather Mcclure

Yet another theater group has formed at Iowa State. The Galloping Guido’s Lederhosen Troupe of Love will make its debut on campus tonight.

The group will perform three 10 minute one-play acts written by ISU students with an optional discussion afterwards.

“We will talk about theater, performing arts issues and the performance,” said Jack Meggers, a sophomore in performing arts.

The group was founded this summer by Meggers, Herb Sawyer, a junior in performing arts, Josh Bryner, a senior in secondary education and Jason Losh, a sophomore in art and performing arts.

The group is a student-organized theater whose main function is to “get more students involved in theater at ISU,” Meggers, said.

This semester, the group will be involved in three main functions including a biweekly one-act play night beginning tonight.

The second function of the Galloping Guido’s Lederhosen Troupe of Love will be to promote student-written plays.

The group will also perform an AIDS awareness play later in the semester.

Currently the group is looking for actors and actresses, directors and anyone interested in any type of production work.

“The group is in its embryonic stages and could fail,” Meggers said. “We can’t afford to do it all of the time. We need student participation.

Meggers added that no experience is necessary to get involved with the group.

Tonight’s performance will be held in 214 Pearson Hall at 10 p.m. Admission is free.

For information on joining, call 292-4640.