After five years of practice, trumpet professor is ready

Angie Brehm

Iowa State assistant professor of music James Bovinette has played the trumpet for the past 18 years, picking up his horn whenever possible.

Why so often? “It takes hundreds of hours of practice,” Bovinette said.

Bovinette has worked since the the fall of 1992 on some of the pieces for tonight’s ISU Faculty Recital, which he descibes as an “artistic recital.”

“Performing gives me the opportunity to play the things I choose to play,” Bovinette added.

Bovinette has been the assistant professor of trumpet at ISU since 1995, focusing much of his teachings on traditional jazz.

He also performs three to four times a week at events around Central Iowa, spanning as far as Cedar Rapids, playing in weddings and jazz ensembles.

But Bovinette is not the only ISU faculty member who performs outside of the university setting.

“I have a lot of respect for my colleagues that do perform because of their great talent,” Bovinette said. “However, they do not play the same type of music I do.”

Bovinette will be joined by one of the professors tonight. Larissa Kanevsky will accompany Bovinette on piano.

The duo will perform works by Eugene Bozza, Charles Chaynes, Paul Hindemith and Domenico Gabrielli.

Tonight’s recital will conclude with a performance by the ISU Faculty Jazz Quartet, which will be under the direction of Bovinette.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the free concert.

“It makes the performance way cooler for both the audience and those performing,” Bovinette said.

The ISU Faculty Recital Concert is tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Music Hall Recital Hall.