Terrorist requests?

Benjamin Bailey

Requests? Six of Nosworthy’s “requests” are for money. Peaceful? How is “if I don’t get these things, someone will die?” a peaceful thing? It sounds more like borderline terrorism or ransom to me!

I really do feel bad for Nosworthy’s friends. They express deep concern for him. I feel it would be very difficult to watch a friend commit suicide. I couldn’t imagine it. It would be especially difficult considering the circumstances.

Nosworthy seems to feel that his life is equal to these demands (which are demands because he will starve himself to death if they are not met). I’m sorry to inform Nosworthy that he is wrong. Your life is worth much more than a college course or the name of a building. You are worth much more and can do much more alive than dead! Dying for money is not a noble cause. I know that money is not the only issue here, but that is the underlying theme of most of the demands.

Another issue to consider is if Nosworthy gets his demands, where will the money come from? Can anyone say “tuition hike?” I hear students complaining all the time about the cost of schooling. Imagine how much money would be required to create and/or fund all these demands.

I am also concerned that the university will make rash decisions because of Nosworthy’s strike. Unfortunately and overall, there is no difference in this hunger strike than if Nosworthy were to sit in his apartment and kill himself.

I’m sorry, Mr. Nosworthy. But in this situation, it’s terrorism. We are the ones you are attempting to hold in fear. Nosworthy is trying to put Mr. Jischke in a position where he will look bad if he doesn’t give Nosworthy his way.

Imagine what it would look like on the surface if Jischke were to “let a student die.” Personally, I look at it like there is nothing Jischke can or should do right now. Nosworthy has tried to back Jischke into corner. I don’t think it will work.

Not to be rude, and with all due respect to all who work at and attend ISU, but you have chosen to be here. If you do not like the way things are here, what better way to show is than to boycott the university! I’m sure that there are many other universities around the United States that would meet your needs. Why not show your non-acceptance of the university by not being here?

It seems that would be the logical step, not committing terroristic suicide! This may be another way to try to pit races against each other.

Think about it. If any white person says Nosworthy is anything but a martyr because of this, they will be labeled a bigot or a racist. It seems to me that actions like these tend more to draw lines between segments of society than to help build relationships between them.

I sincerely hope the university will take the same stance as the U.S. government and not negotiate with terrorists. Imagine what precedence would be set if Nosworthy gets his demands because of this action!

Nosworthy and the September 29th Movement may just have to accept that some of these demands are not feasible and/or are just not going to happen.

Personally, it saddens me that a person feels this is the most important thing they have to live for and is willing to give his life for it. There are many things in life I can see literally laying down your life for, but I can’t imagine this one as being even close.

Benjamin Bailey


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