Blinded justice

Blue Maas

I find it necessary to ask you this morning to please give the name of “the judge” when reporting decisions from district courts in Iowa. How else will I know whom to vote to reinstate or to oust?

How will I be an informed voter on (re)election day when the passel of judges’ names appears on the ballot but I have only ever heard or read “the judge” or “the court.”

We all know that “the judge” or “the court” means merely a mortal — and then, still, by far and away, a white man — not some god, for sure, not a pillar, not some inanimate object like the statute of “Lady Justice” who is blindfolded because justice is blind? Not.

The lady is blindfolded because she’s so sick of the injustices she sees daily in little county courtrooms across this state and the nation. “The judge” and “the court” write that it was “testimony, therefore, evidence,” then come up with “findings of fact,” “conclusions” and “decisions.”

The lady is blindfolded because she’s so sick of the injustices and the untruth sought and meted out from behind those leather and mahogany benches that she cannot stand to look at this mess any longer.

After all, the judges were lawyers before they were judges — and they are STILL lawyers after they become judges.

Please, please give, publish and broadcast the judges’ names and their districts when reporting on ANY case decided upon that you, the media, have deemed worthy enough to report on in the first place. How else can we, the masses of the public upon whom “the judge” decides, vote informed?

Blue Maas
