Drunken football-goers

Charles Mulford

By now, we all know that Veishea may be lost because of the alcohol problem at ISU. Alcohol is also a threat to fans’ enjoyment of football games.

The public drunkenness is getting worse with each game. Saturday, I witnessed drunks using Reiman Gardens as a public restroom. Some students and others in the parking lots were already intoxicated two hours before the game, and some never even bothered to go into the stadium!

Hours before the game, persons were intoxicated and obnoxious, vomiting in the parking lots and drunken parties overflowed into traffic lanes. The security persons on hand seemed to be ignoring the problem, or were incapable of doing anything about it. What can be done?

I would like to encourage an open and honest discussion of the alcohol problem. I would like to see the ISU administration appoint an alcohol task force that includes students, faculty, staff and fans. These persons should be brought together to begin a discussion of ISU’s alcohol problem.

The task force should be charged with the responsibility of initiating alcohol abuse education programs. In addition, the task force should be charged with the responsibility of developing a plan to control alcohol at football games. What should be done if this discussion and planning isn’t fruitful?

Then, I would urge the ISU administration ban all alcohol from the parking lots and all stadium facilities. To enforce the ban, I would urge the number of campus security persons, police officers and highway patrol persons to be increased.

I would also urge stiff sanctions for those who violated the ban, including the dismissal of faculty and staff and the suspension of students. Certainly, some will say that I am overreacting and drastic. I ask, if an alcohol education and control plan are not soon developed, what other options are available?

Charles Mulford

