Marxism leads to the sewer

Benjamin Dixon

To John Cassella of Durango, CO:

In response to your August 25 letter to the editor…

MARX: The Marxist critique of capitalism is precisely the worst thing that has happened to social and economic thought and action in the last 150 years.

Those who deny this are not only ignorant and/or liars. They are condoning state terrorism and murder.

REPARATIONS: The “200 year silent and devious class war against the American people” waged by capitalists, wealthy and otherwise, has made the American citizen richer and freer than any other in the history of the world.

Although I’m sure you didn’t mean it when you wrote it that way, you were right when you stated that an apology and reparations would be in violation of the spirit of the United States Constitution.

SERVANTS: The primary function of the U.S. presidency, the government, the Republican and Democratic parties and the mass media (at least in this last century) has been to pander to a populist anti-ideology that has been and is now a detriment to capitalists and capitalism.

CLASS WAR: See REPARATIONS. Workers have a vital interest in the preservation of capitalism.

FASCISM: Socialist nationalism, not capitalism, breeds fascism. Incidentally, Marxism breeds dictatorship, and dictatorship kills millions of peasants in Siberia.

So much for the working class. Global fantastic capitalism?

If we only had it so good.

A VISION: I don’t know if we can save the world but we can certainly destroy it.

Political freedom and your “economic democracy” are mutually exclusive.

Your brand of Marxism would inevitably deliver us, and all those following our “bold lead,” into the same socioeconomic sewer.

Marxism in general always has: totalitarian oppression.

Your “vision,” Mr. Cassella, is more accurately called a nightmare.

I don’t care to share it.

Benjamin Dixon

