A loyal supporter says enough is enough

Tony James

I’ve had all I can stand.

I’m tired of everyone writing in and ripping on Corey Moss.

If it’s not some guy whining because no one listened to his radio show, it’s some DUDE crying because Moss didn’t like the latest 311 album as much as the others.

And if that wasn’t enough, you had some guy write in and call Moss names because he had his finger up Sting’s butt and can’t see like the rest of us that his career is indeed over.

People! Lighten up, please.

Mr. Moss’ columns are his take on things.

If you don’t agree, tough. Please don’t make readers of the Daily like me listen to your crybaby dribble.

You’re just jealous because you’re not in the Vanilla Ice fan club.

Keep it real, Moss, you DO have fans out there.

Tony James

