A propaganda machine

James Harrison

I was just wondering if the Daily will print anything and everything that is submitted to them. It seems that Milton McGriff has turned the Daily into his own propaganda machine.

Not only does he get to say whatever he pleases (however correct or incorrect it may be), but he also gets “In my view” printed at the top of each of his submissions.

How do I get that on top of my letter to the editor? Do I also have to start a faction aimed at completing some goal?

Why doesn’t the Daily just give in and give every radical on campus a platform to voice their opinions? Or did the Daily staff just give him the space to make room for an extra halfpage of ads?

Let’s say, for instance, someone decided to start a fascist movement … would the Daily allow their leader to try and recruit members through their publication?

In conclusion, I think the Daily should take a closer look at what they are printing. Some of these things should be handed to you while walking to class, not printed in the newspaper we pay for.

James Harrison


Computer engineering