Unprofessional and juvenile

Christian Casper

On Tuesday, Sept. 16, the Daily published a review of the recent concert by the Neville Brothers at the National Cattle Congress in Waterloo.

On the whole it was a fine piece, except for one line in which the floor of the auditorium was described as “a mixture of soft dirt and cow [manure].”

The problem was that the word for which I substituted “manure” was a certain four-letter expletive beginning with the letter “s.”

Unfortunately, the use of profanity in the Daily has increased in recent semesters.

It does nothing more than make the newspaper look juvenile and unprofessional.

Someone once said “profanity demonstrates a poverty of language.”

Certainly no publication wishes to be portrayed this way. Refraining from using such language would be a step towards regaining the respect of the students.

Christian Casper

