McCarney overlooks black eyes
August 28, 1997
I read the article in the August 27 issue of the Iowa State Daily regarding the two football players charged with simple assault.
McCarney stated that, “Based on the information I have, and I have addressed this thoroughly, I’m not going to suspend these kids for this game or any game … “
I presume McCarney means by “addressed this thoroughly” that he checked out the circumstances with people other than the two players involved.
The student who filed the charges worked in our office this summer. I saw him a few days after the “alleged” assault.
He sustained two black eyes and bruised ribs. The contusion on his jaw was so painful that it was difficult for him to eat.
One question I would like to ask McCarney: How did the two football players look when they discussed the situation with you right after the incident? Any black eyes or signs of injury?
Colleen Ryan
Ag and biosystems engineering