Looking for the best way through VEISHEA talks

Robert Wiese

On behalf of the student body, I would like to thank President Jischke for all the time and energy he has spent on the difficult subject of Veishea.

I look forward to hearing from the students of Iowa State, regarding President Jischke’s comments Wednesday night.

Veishea discussions are not over. Rather, we will take the President’s recommendations to the student body, for the student body is and always will be the driving force behind the decisions at ISU.

We regret not being able to give a definite timetable for our actions as the Government of the Student Body.

I can say we will be meeting as a Cabinet, and also meeting with other student groups for feedback and implementation of goals.

The recommendation we all heard last night is exciting from the standpoint of change. As poet Robert Frost said, “The best way out is always through.”

There will be no stepping around the past, present or future of Veishea. We, as the Government of the Student Body at ISU, will be working through this period of change, working for the students and looking for the best way through.

Robert Wiese

GSB President