Dorms open with no major problems

Tara Deering

By Saturday afternoon, most resident assistants and hall directors said the big rush was over. Although, cars parked on the grass, parents carrying TV’s and trucks filled with boxes, lofts and couches could still be seen.

The residence halls officially opened Thursday.

“Thursday morning we just got swamped,” Norm Atwood, Noble house RA in Friley Hall, said.

Pat Millen, Knapp house RA in Friley Hall, said he only had two residents left to check-in on Saturday afternoon.

Millen said all of his residents got everything moved up to their third floor rooms without any problems.

Moving things to the resident hall can be a challenge, but Brandon Jackson, a sophomore in psychology and Knapp house resident, said arranging the room is a lot worse. His roommate, Bill Sonnleitner, a junior in electrical engineering, said storage was a big problem.

Jackson said another problem for residents moving in was parking tickets. He said the Department of Public Safety had been real sticklers with enforcing the 90-minute parking rule. “I’ve already received three tickets,” Jackson said.

There were some exceptions to the Thursday moving in rush. Aaron Robinson, a Westgate RA, said he checked in half of his residents before the halls officially opened.

Westgate Hall was changed from a freshmen dormitory to an upperclassmen all single room dormitory this year. Residents at Westgate Hall share a bathroom, microwave and refrigerator.

“I don’t know if most of my residents moved in early because they’re upperclassmen or what,” Robinson said.

He said he experienced the “typical moving in hassles,” but no major problems.

Robinson said there was concern expressed by many of his residents about the rules for platform beds.

The Department of Residence put out a memo explaining and illustrating “the dos, don’ts and whys of creating you own space in your dorm room.”

Robinson said most residents were concerned with how far their loft could be from the ceiling.

Storage space and furniture removal are always concerns during moving in. Wade Burken, Westgate hall director, said furniture removal was a university wide problem this year.