America’s problem is capitalism

John Cassella

Marx: The Marxist critique of capitalism is the best thing that has happened to social and economic thought and action in the last 150 years. Those who deny that are either ignorant or deliberate liars.

Reparations: The wealthy capitalist upper class, 5 percent of the population, has waged a 200-year silent and devious class war against the American people. In violation of the spirit of the U.S. constitution, they should now apologize and pay reparations of over $25 trillion dollars.

Servants: The primary function of the U.S. presidency, the government, the Republican and Democratic parties, and the mass media is to preserve and protect the wealth and power of the capitalist upper class.

Class War: The interests of the parasitic upper class (capitalism) and the interests of the working class (democracy) are forever opposed to each other. Capitalists and workers are not partners. They’re enemies!

Fascism: Capitalism breeds fascism and fascism bombs buildings. Help stop the spread of global fantastic capitalism. Abolish all college and university schools of business.

A Vision: We can save the world … by simply changing the United States into the world’s first political and economic democracy — a double democracy — and the whole world will follow our bold lead.

John Cassella

Durango, CO