Glatz named new chair of chemical engineering

Dena Huisman

Charles Glatz, professor in the College of Engineering, has been named chair of the Iowa State Department of Chemical Engineering.

His five-year appointment began on August 16.

James Melsa, dean of the College of Engineering, said the department will benefit from the internal hiring of Glatz.

“Following a national search, we concluded that Dr. Glatz was the best possible choice for the job. We are looking forward to working with him,” Melsa said.

Glatz came to Iowa State in 1975 as an assistant professor and became a full professor of biotechnology in 1986.

Nationally known for his research on bioprocessing methods, Glatz’s work deals with the separation of products of biotechnology, such as industrial enzymes and pharmaceuticals.

Most of his research has been collaborative efforts with microbiologists and chemists, he said.

Glantz has also organized several symposia, including one on protein crystallization for the American Chemical Society’s national meeting.

Glatz said he hopes to keep the chemical engineering department on the right track.

“I hope to maintain the reputation of the undergraduate program while introducing new ideas for the undergraduate students,” he said.

“I would like to get graduate students to share in what’s happening in the undergraduate program, to give them wider training opportunities,” he said.

His research and teaching efforts have earned Glantz numerous awards.

Some honors include Iowa Academy of Science’s Distinguished Iowa Scientist Award and Outstanding Teacher Award from Iowa State’s College of Engineering.

He also served as honorary research fellow at the University of Hull and University College of London from 1982 to 1983.