Letterwinners to honor top athletes in the history of ISU

Drew Harris

Finally, after a century of Cyclone athletics, an ISU Athletic Hall of Fame has arrived to pay tribute to Cyclone legends.

On Friday, Aug. 29, the inaugural class will take their well-deserved places in Cyclone history in a ceremony at the Memorial Union.

Ten of ISU’s all-time greatest athletes, Ed Bock, Jim Doran, Nawal El Moutawakel-Bennis, Dan Gable, Ron Galimore, Harold Nichols, Yobes Ondieki, Gary Thompson, L.C. “Cap” Timm and Clyde Williams will be honored.

The Iowa State Letterwinners Club started the push for the Hall of Fame. The club formed two years ago to help Cyclone athletics grow and be recognized.

“It is an organization designed to tie all former letterwinners back into the university,” Hall of Fame Coordinator Thad Dohrn said.

The 10 former athletes and coaches were chosen after several months of reviewing candidates. Over 150 names were given by former ISU letterwinners, who were given the chance to nominate someone for the honor.

After the initial nomination procedure, a 15-person committee made up of former letterwinners, area reporters, coaches and administrators narrowed the choices to 50. After several months of studying and reviewing the choices, the group finally came to a consensus.

Three of the inductees Gable, Thompson and Bock will be on hand for Friday night’s festivities. The other seven members will be represented by family members, friends or ISU coaches.

The event’s keynote speaker is former National Football League star Merlin Olsen. Olsen currently spends much of his time traveling the country as a motivational speaker.

Olsen is known for his television career as both a broadcaster and actor.

He worked as a football commentator for NBC and CBS and covered five Superbowls. Olsen also may be remembered for his roles in “Little House on the Prairie” and “Father Murphy.”

Pioneer Hybrid International was interested in ISU’s Hall of Fame event and was able to help bring Olsen to ISU.

“We’re ecstatic to have him,” Dohrn said of Olsen. Dohrn said Olsen was an excellent choice because he has personally shared such special induction moments.

“It is a neat opportunity for us to add something special to such a special event,” Dohrn said.

Dohrn said he is suprised that it has taken so long for these “amazing names” to be recognized.

Dohrn said around four or five people will be added to the Hall of Fame each year.

He said his attendance goal of 300 people has been surpassed, but that tickets are still available for $25 until 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, and can be purchased by calling 294-9324.

The event includes a social hour, banquet dinner and the induction program.