LGBTA makes name shorter, but focus remains very strong

Jonquil Wegmann

They have formed an alliance to educate, support and provide resources for allies, members and friends of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

After more than 10 years of active membership on campus, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Alliance has changed its name to simply the Alliance.

Group members said they agreed on the new name last spring because it would better represent both members and allies of the community.

The Alliance opens its membership to anyone who is supportive of their mission and provides resources for anyone with questions about related issues.

“The group is for members of the LGBT community and for straight allies. We changed the name to better represent everyone,” said Jason Gross, vice president of the Alliance.

The Alliance offers private, confidential support and referrals for anyone with questions about sexual orientation issues. They also plan social and educational events and act as a political advocate.

“The Alliance provides social and educational events and a supportive atmosphere no matter what stage of coming out a person may be at,” Gross said.

The group has many activities planned for fall during National Coming Out Week including the annual rally, a dance, live music, a recognition banquet and a movie night.

Meetings are held weekly on Wednesday evenings in the Cardinal Room of the Memorial Union at 7 p.m.

The group also offers informational pamphlets dealing with topics such as coming out, bisexuality, AIDS, safer sex and many other topics.

There are national LGBT newspapers and magazines in the student office space in the Memorial Union.

Information on the group can be found by calling 294-2104 or by visiting the Web site at

Another resource on campus is Lesbian Gay Bisexual Student Services, a program offered through the Dean of Students Office.

Sine Anahita, graduate student coordinator of LGBSS, said the service provides support, information and referrals on issues of interest to the community.

“We’ve got all kinds of cool stuff planned for this semester during orientation and National Coming Out Week,” Anahita said.

Anahita said National Coming Out Week, scheduled for Oct. 8-15, “is going to be big.” She said an open house, rally and many other activities are planned.

LGBSS offers supportive programs and a resource library.

“We maintain a directory of information for people, have a huge library with 1,500 books and subscriptions to all of the contemporary magazines for LGBT issues, provide a speakers’ bureau if someone wants a speaker in a class and we do a fun panel presentation where three students tell coming out stories and take questions,” she said.

Anahita said the panel and other activities are available for public educational presentations.

Students can contact Lesbian Gay Bisexual Student Services at 294-5433.