ISU welcomes Merit Scholars

Jennifer Laake

Iowa State is welcoming 110 new National Merit Scholars and three National Achievement Scholars this fall.

Merit Scholars are chosen by Pre-Scholastic Aptitude Test scores.

The National Merit program is open to any student, while National Achievement is an honor only awarded to African American students. Anne Ahrens, director of Special Recruitment Programs, said, “The goal for this year was to recruit 100 National Merit Scholars.” Accordingly, 100 scholarships were available.

This year’s figures are average in comparison with those of the past two years.

“We had a lot of National Merit Scholars last year,” said Ahrens. Because of the unlimited number of scholarships, 154 National Merit Scholars and four National Achievement Scholars entered ISU in the fall of 1996.

Two years ago, in the fall of 1995, the number of National Merit and National Achievement Scholars totaled a mere 58.

One of the National Merit Scholars this year is Ryan Forman, a freshman in genetics from Omaha, Neb.

Forman said he had visited about six colleges before narrowing his choices down to three—Colorado State, Kansas State and Iowa State.

Forman said he’s interested in vet med school.

He said he chose Iowa State because of its veterinary curriculum and school.

“Unlike other schools they [ISU] really wanted me here,” Forman said.

The majority of this year’s scholars are from the Midwest.

There are 60 from Iowa, 15 from Minnesota, nine from Nebraska, six from South Dakota, three from North Dakota, two from Wisconsin and Michigan, and one each from Indiana, Missouri and Texas.

More than half the scholars are either in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences or the College of Engineering.

The College of Business and the College of Design each have five National Merit Scholars, and three scholars are students in the College of Agriculture.

The National Merit Scholars and National Achievement Scholars will be honored at a reception with ISU President Martin Jischke Aug. 28 from 7-8 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.