Do they really care?

Barry Dunn

Wednesday afternoon, I was studying in my usual spot on the fourth floor by the north windows of the library when I witnessed a troubling incident.

From this location, I overlook Osborn Drive and Gilman Hall. There is, on the south side of Osborn, a line of bicycle racks. These are usually in one tidy row right next to the curb.

On Wednesday one of these racks was sitting at an severe angle to the rest. It had been that way since I had arrived to study and it was still there when someone arrived and locked up his off-road bike.

Thirty to 45 minutes later a member of the university’s groundskeeping crew was passing by on a tractor-mower. He noticed the displaced bicycle rack and stopped to put it back into place. Unfortunately, by moving the rack back into line with the others, he forced the bicycle’s rear wheel out into the street, into traffic!

His blatantly reckless disregard for someone else’s property so infuriated me, I had to pack up my books, leave the library and move that rack away from the street so the bicycle would not be struck by a passing vehicle.

I suppose the lesson to be learned here is workers for the university don’t necessarily give a damn, so beware!

Barry Dunn


Computer engineering