Summer causes lull for local business

Emily Chambers

Members of several businesses say summer brings a lull in the number of people they see frequenting their Campustown establishments.

Although they say their sales don’t drop by much, the decrease of Iowa State students in summer months tends to slow things down.

Jessie Osgard, manager of Soho Ltd., said she really notices a change in customers. During the school year most of her customers are college students, but it changes to younger kids involved in camps during the summer.

Osgard said their sales don’t decrease too much because of university activities that bring people into Ames.

“If it wasn’t for all the activities on campus, there would be a dramatic change in sales,” Osgard said.

Chad Gardemann, a bartender at the Dean’s List, said he clearly sees a decrease in business during the summer compared to the regular school year.

“For the most part, the busy nights have changed from Wednesday and Friday to Tuesday and Wednesday,” he said.

Gardemann said the the Dean’s List has quit serving on Thursday nights because less students and people are out. To increase business, it runs different specials in the summer to bring people to the establishment.

“It seems people are less willing to spend money, (so we) definitely offer better drink specials during the summer,” Gardemann said.

Despite some businesses noticing a decrease because of students, others say their business remains nearly the same.

Doug Ziminski, owner and manager of Leedz Salon, said business gets a little bit slower, but summer doesn’t affect Leedz as much as walk-in salons.

“We make it up with different services, like make-up application,” Ziminski said.

Battle’s Bar-B-Q owner George Battle said his business increases rather than decreases. “My business picks up in the summer,” he said.

Battle said May and June are his best months. He said people from the community come more often during the summer to avoid the traffic of students during the school year.

Battle also said there is more parking available during the summer, making his business more accessible to customers.