Only one judge

Carolee Engel

I sympathize with Rob Ruminski’s column in the Daily (What does it take to make a living?). I have had the opportunity to work with professionals who work in “9 to five air-conditioned environments.” Pardon me, but they seem to have the ability to talk out of both sides of their mouths and blow smoke at the same time. When you ask them an honest, straight-forward question, they can never seem to answer you with an honest, direct reply.

They use flowery jargon and phrases to give you a “hint” of what they’re saying, without actually telling you what they are saying, expecting you to pick up on it.

It’s not them I’m attacking — it’s their behavior that is disturbing.

One time a few months ago, I went to a local fitness center here in town. I was wearing a very nice red and white Nebraska Husker jacket and carrying a red and white Adidas bag. I wore nice black denim leggings and a pair of ladies boots that were purchased at Foot Locker.

I was well received by the manager of the club. He was very friendly, and we laughed about the Nebraska – Iowa State football game that had already been played last year.

I came back to the fitness facility a few times before scheduling an appointment with the club manager to discuss the membership dues. I had just washed my hair, and, in a hurry to make the appointment, my hair had dried to one side, kind of funny.

I wore a sloppy pair of jeans and sloppy shoes. During the brief time I chatted with the same guy, I noticed he was having difficulty talking with me, and he could not look me in he eye during our conversation. I sensed it was the way my outward appearance (hair and clothing) looked.

Someday, we’re all going to stand before Someone who doesn’t care what clothes we’ve worn, what job we had, or what kind of car, education or family background we had.

He will only care about if we’ve been faithful to Him or not.

Carolee Engel

Ames resident