Trice — a long time coming

Editorial Board

Past and present Iowa State students fought long and hard for the change we are about to witness on August 30.

That will be the day that lives on in the hearts of Iowa State students, fans, alumni and supporters as one of ISU’s “fallen heroes” receives the remembrance he so rightfully deserves.

That is the day when ISU football will not only kick the living crap out of Oklahoma State on the football field, but ISU will denounce all the doubters who said we wouldn’t do it.

All those who said we wouldn’t dare name the stadium after a man who died wearing our school colors — they are eating their words right about now.

And those that say he doesn’t deserve it because he died executing a dangerous and seldom-used “roll block” technique — well, they haven’t much to say right now.

Sure, Jack Trice wasn’t the greatest athlete ISU has ever seen, and sure he isn’t the most famous athlete to ever take the field for ISU. One thing that cannot be denied is that he exemplified what we expect from all Cyclones: strength, dedication, sacrifice and intelligence with a little intestinal fortitude thrown in to add balance.

Does Jack deserve the honor? Hell, yeah. Does he deserve to be remembered? Of course he does.

Let’s not bask in the silliness of the questions we could ask. Let’s not stand around and second-guess this monumental decision and what it could mean to ISU.

Instead, let’s give ourselves and our school a standing ovation for our courage.

Lets go, Cyclones!