Bookstores gear up for fall rivalry

Jill Lansing

As the fall semester draws near, both bookstores which provide services to Iowa State students are gearing up for another year of friendly competition.

Lynette Seymour, general manager of University Book Store, said it is common at larger universities to have more than one book store.

“I never think of it as a rivalry. We always consider the competition — but it’s friendly,” she said.

Seymour said she has had experience dealing with competition as the manager of book stores at Wichita State and Kansas State.

“I think we are more of the university’s store because we are tied with Iowa State,” she said.

Seymour said they generate more on-campus business than the Campus Book Store by supplying the university offices with supplies.

Christi Ross, book buyer for Campus Book Store, said CBS offers students a fun, comfortable and well-stocked place to shop.

Ross said CBS offers merchandise and services that UBS does not.

CBS has a cafe, a general clothing selection featuring Birkenstocks and Woolrich brands and a shipping and fax center, Ross said.

She also noted there is a friendly competition between the book stores, but they will refer people to UBS if they can’t provide them with necessary items.

Lindsey Miller, a senior in public relations, said she uses both bookstores.

“I think there is a small rivalry between the bookstores. I’ve used both for various things. It really depends on what I need or what I’m looking for,” she said.

Miller said she sometimes prefers University Book Store because of its location.

“If I’m on campus and I need something, I’ll just go to UBS because it’s more accessible. I like UBS because they are friendly and have good service,” she said.

Matt Thornburg, a senior in computer science, said he also shops at both book stores. ” I think Campus has better prices, but the staff at University is more helpful and knowledgeable.”