Grilling out with the GSB president

Kim Zangger

Bonjour friendly folks! For the last Brown Bag Review of the summer, I wanted to do something different.

Now, I’ve always thought it’s a good idea to make friends with your neighbors (’cause they might take you to the Bahamas over break). This summer, I’ve had the privilege to live next to the Student-body President. Rob Wiese invited me to grill out with the GSB gang last weekend.

Let me start by saying when the president says he’s going to do something, he’s really going to go all out.

It was a dark and stormy night…. Well, OK — it was slightly overcast and a lightly drizzly evening when my roommate and I arrived at the president’s house. Although the rain kept several people home, there was still an impressive turnout.

Rob immediately directed me and my Save U More coleslaw into the impressively clean kitchen. “We recycle, you know,” was repeated more than once by the ever-eager-to-please president.

While Rob went to check on the grill, I went into the living room. The movie “Powder” was playing but the conversation soon turned to summer hits. “Contact” and “Batman and Robin” were both mentioned but it seemed everyone added their two cents worth about “Men In Black.”

Having only seen “Austin Powers,” I was starting to feel left out until “I haven’t seen it either.”(Wink, wink.) “I’ve been too busy helping students.” Thanks Rob.

It’s not an official dinner party until you have the “what do you think hot dogs are really made out of?” discussion. Then someone asked what the difference between sausage and bratwurst was. (Just a couple of bucks, I think.)

Rob was complimenting my shoes (he really knows how to get on my good side) when someone noticed the fire was out. He went out to the little red grill and started sending smoke signals. (The porch, the porch, the porch was on fire.)

OK, it was finally time to eat. There was an impressively large selection (if you like brats) to choose from. Seriously though, there was plenty to eat and drink.

They had beer, plenty of pop, carrots (sliced just a little too big), dill-pickles, Cool Ranch Doritos, potato chips, brownies (thanks to Betty Crocker and me), coleslaw and 32 brats.

The president went out of his way to be a charming host. He opened one of his two — count ’em two — refrigerators and opened up a new jar of BBQ sauce just for me.

“The bratwursts were simmered in beer for one hour, then slowly sauteed to perfection before being served piping hot.”

“Yum, these are the best brats I’ve ever had, and I”m not just saying that.”

“The Surgeon General says that eating bratwurst increases your life expectancy.” (Seems everyone in the room was suddenly a critic … )

OK, now it’s time for the gratuitous GSB plug. These guys have been working hard all summer for us; they have a lot planned for the first week of school.

On the first Monday of fall classes, the Des Moines Symphony will be on central campus. Then the GSB gang (and hopefully Jischke) will serve as the wait staff for an all campus barbecue.

President Rob Wiese is living at 508 Welch this summer. He invites visitors to stop by and talk. Seriously, he appreciates student input.

How can I give dinner with the president a bad review? Honestly, I had a great time with good food and good people.

5 stars out of five

Kim Zangger is a senior in advertising from Mt. Vernon.