Not as smart as you think you are

Michael Keach

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, especially coming from the mouth of someone who is absolutely, positively 100 percent certain of his argument when he doesn’t really have the full story.

Recently, a sophomore boldly made statements of authenticity regarding what the Bible has to say about “homosexuality,” when, in fact, the Bible actually can’t say anything about it at all. The plain fact is, the concept of homosexual orientation didn’t exist in Biblical times.

The word itself was coined around the 1890s, with the advent of the science of psychiatry. Prior to this, all same-sex acts were regarded as distinct, unconnected events committed by heterosexual men.

What this means, of course, is that the Bible never addresses the issue of homosexuality or homosexuals — just the commission of homosexual acts by heterosexual men.

So, for all you sophomores out there and for all other interested parties, the idea that the Bible condemns homosexuality or homosexuals is, in verified fact, a “widely agreed-upon lie,” without a shred of truth or value.

Michael Keach

Greenville, RI