Learn about the Bible

I have been both grieved and heartened by several letters to the Daily over the past weeks regarding the Bible.

I have lamented over the struggling and jousting offered by Mr. Miller (July 15 & 22) of St. Louis, Mr. Van Arkel (July 17) of Ames and Mr. Keach (July 22) of Rhode lsland, as to whom has the authentic truth concerning God’s perspective of homosexual behavior.

I have also, however, been heartened to witness these objective examples of why any and all concerned individuals should read the Bible for themselves.

I agree with both Van Arkel’s and Miller’s call for people to read not only the mentioned passages (i.e., Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:27, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10), but the entirety of those three books as well as their companion 63 books. Most of us hold as truths the writings of Aristotle or Plato, yet their writings contain no original manuscripts nor near-dated material, and go without the severe scrutiny.

In closing, I again join my fellow letter-writers, Mr. Van Arkel and Mr Miller, in encouraging any and all persons interested in God’s perspective on this topic, or any other important topic, to personally read this all-time #1 best-seller — the Bible. Or, even better, develop a relationship with the Author.

You will then be able to discern for yourselves which is truth and which is false.

F. Marty Martinez, Ph.D.

