Mr. Goodcents leaves for new location at Duff and Lincoln Way

Audrey Burgs

Campustown lost another eating spot this month with the closing of the Mr. Goodcents sub shop at 131 Welch Ave.

A sign in the window of the store says “temporarily closed … will re-open at our new location.” A map on the sign indicates the store will be re-opening on the northwest corner of Duff Avenue and Lincoln Way.

Camille Norman, a senior in English and sociology from Spirit Lake, said she was really disappointed to see the store was closed. “It was one of my favorite places to eat. The sub places that are left are good, but I don’t care for them as much. The employees were great.”

Owner Ben Pobanz said he decided to move his restaurant to another location in Ames to improve service to his customers. He said closing his Campustown location was “a purely personal business decision.”

Pobanz said the lack of parking was the main reason that he decided to relocate his business. He said his business grew steadily in the three-and-a-half years it was open.

The move will allow Pobanz to expand the size of his restaurant, improve access and provide better parking facilities, he said. The new store should seat about 50 people, which is twice the number of the old store.

Pobanz said he thinks his customers will be loyal and follow him to his new location because “80 percent of students have cars.”

The new store should open in mid-September if everything goes as Pobanz has planned.

He said he is anxious to re-open his restaurant. “I miss all of my regulars. I miss the coaches, the grounds crew for the football team and others from the athletic department.”