Good luck, Rob

Editorial Board

Government of the Student Body President Robert Wiese is going to face many challenges this year. There will be issues where he must decide between competing student groups. There will be controversies that put his morals to the test. And there most likely will be people who feel he should be impeached.

But so far Wiese is showing an interest in what the students want. He is representing the students who elected him rather than purely following a personal agenda. With Wiese, we get the feeling that his personal agenda is to respond to what the students ask of him the best he can.

He also works very much in the open and is friendly toward his critics. Hey, if you can make friends out of your enemies, then you’ve got your stuff together.

Wiese is what Iowa State students have needed for several student-body presidential administrations. He is genuine — the real deal. He doesn’t dance around the issues. He gives ISU President Martin Jischke, Dean of Students Kathleen MacKay and the univeristy administration a better idea of what the students want and how they feel on issues.

This is not only important to students but to the univeristy administration as well. It helps keep them from running into fiascos with the students, like what happened last summer when Adam Gold supporting a McDonald’s in the Hub when most of the students didn’t agree. At the time, Jischke was responding to what Gold told him about student opinion.

We feel Wiese has done an exemplary job so far. After all, we did endorse him before the election. And he was the Daily’s first correct student-body presidential endorsement in 16 years. That means we expect a lot from him. We wish him luck as he and his well-chosen administration (people he picked from various groups; many he hadn’t previously known) move forward with the 1997-98 school year at our beloved institution of higher education.